Monday, May 2, 2011

British life , langauge and culture

I have recently taken part in a training entitled British life , language and culture, with the help of a Grundtvig mobility grant. The following posts will try to disseminate as much as possible of the points discussed during the course or lived outside class.

One main issue that might strike you as being an obsession of mine, is the discrepancy between the tools the teacher has to teach this language , and the actual cultural aspects that lie underneath, and are somehow "off the continent".

This being just the introduction I'll make my first contribution to the upgrading of English teaching materials with the following note:
if you're teaching an upper intermediate or advanced class, you might want to discuss under the umbrella topic of Fashion, or why not, Religion and Diversity, the role of Burkas in society, or the controversy of their banning. For a lighter approach, you can use the article - Burquini VS Bikini

Another topic would be Crime and Punishment.

Just check what the British teenagers are offered for buying a T-shirt, by reading the following red top newspaper article:

that's it for now,
Have a great teaching to you all